Massage of pleasure

Massage the lingam, also called "Royal". In General, this word in Sanskrit translates as "male sexual organ". Massage lingam – a kind of tantric sex, because it makes the men not to bring to orgasm, but rather that for enjoyment.

If you are going to do the male massage the lingam, then, first of all, create an intimate, inviting atmosphere to it. The room should not be too cold or hot. It is important during the execution of the massage to follow their movements – they should be soft, smooth, rhythmic, but not fast. Too fast paced massage may lead to overexcitation.

It is desirable that before the massage, the man celebrated natural needs, taking a warm bath or shower. This will help him relax. Invite your partner to lie down as comfortable as you can. Legs during the massage, the lingam should be diluted in a way. Under the buttocks for convenience, you can put a small pillow. It is a mistake to assume that the basis of this variety of massage are the caresses of the penis. Start to caress the man with the fingertips, feet, rise above the hips. For comfort use massage oil or hand cream. During the execution of the massage the woman should do light circular stroking motion with your fingertips. Owners have long manicure is to massage the lingam with extreme caution.

Not touching the penis, caress the testicles, just remember that they should go very carefully, otherwise you risk to not deliver pleasure, and pain. During the massage the lingam, it is useful to pay attention to the area around the navel, draw attention to the region in the lower abdomen. You can then massage the penis. No matter how it was difficult, but with this massage the woman should keep the man excited. Although the "side effect" orgasm is a pleasant surprise for men.

Massage for convergence

Try to set with a male contact let it steer your actions. It will bring together partners. The woman will be able to deliver more pleasure to the man, if he will tell, when the movement of your partner should be more intense, and where you want to stop altogether. Show maximum imagination.

The duration of the massage lingam can take from several minutes to several hours. It depends on many factors. Most importantly, both partners need to massage pleasure, moral and physical.