Women look forward to pregnancy or, conversely, afraid of its appearance, usually sensitive to the slightest changes in the functioning of your body. Many people find the first signs of pregnancy even before their actual appearance, others do not know what a dizzy or feeling unwell. In fact, at the beginning of pregnancy are sick not all women.

Why is there morning sickness

Vomiting, nausea, weakness and dizziness – the most common symptoms of toxicity. They often are the first signs of pregnancy. Signs of toxicity is also considered a strengthening of smell, not a typical reaction to different smells, aversion to food or an irresistible craving for unusual foods.

The most common cause of toxicity is a change in the level of hormones HCG and estrogen in the body. Since this process is gaining strength only 2-3 weeks after conception, nausea during pregnancy can actually occur only after 1-2 weeks of delay of menstruation.

Morning sickness during pregnancy due to the fact that the most intense is the HCG hormone that is produced in the early stages. Its level in the blood reaches a peak at approximately 9-11 weeks, and then stabiliziruemost. Some women have nausea remains even after completion of the hormonal changes the body, but most pregnant women say goodbye to the beginning of the second trimester.

How to deal with nausea in early pregnancy

First of all, you should report it to your gynecologist. A qualified doctor, based on the results of laboratory tests and diagnostic studies, recommend several ways of dealing with manifestations of toxemia or prescribe the appropriate medication.

To stop nausea and vomiting is possible with conventional methods. You can start the day with drinking on an empty stomach a glass of water or juice, and half an hour after that to eat the pretzels or crackers. Such a Breakfast does not cause discomfort and normalizes digestion.

In addition, we need to completely revise your diet. If the stomach of a pregnant woman become more sensitive, should be excluded from all spicy, fatty, heavy and long-digested meals. You need to eat small portions and number of meals to increase to 5-6 per day. To eat exactly have all the time of pregnancy, since this habit will allow the expectant mother to avoid many of the problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, heartburn, belching, constipation.