Types and symptoms of toxemia in pregnancy

Some experts call morning sickness "adaptation disease" because it occurs as a result of restructuring of the body from the expectant mother.

To share the morning sickness can be of 2 types: early and late. And if morning sickness in early pregnancy is quite common, the toxicity in the later period is found in only 20% of pregnant women.

Early morning sickness accompanied by nausea, especially in the morning or after a meal. The body is very sharply perceive different smells. Nausea may also be accompanied by vomiting, increased salivation. In some cases, a symptom of toxicity can become asthma in pregnant women. It is accompanied by severe cough and feeling of suffocation.

Late toxicosis is considered more dangerous than earlier. Doctors call morning sickness in late pregnancy with preeclampsia. It is dangerous because in some cases, may cause fetal hypoxia, placental abruption and fetal death. In addition to the weakness in the whole body and nausea, symptoms of preeclampsia can be high blood pressure, swelling of feet, cramps in the muscles, dizziness up to loss of consciousness and headaches.

Causes of morning sickness in the early stages

If morning sickness in the early stages does not appears bright, it is considered a normal condition of the pregnant woman. Its causes are still being investigated by experts. But most likely can be attributed to genetic predisposition, hormonal changes in the body, accelerating metabolism and neurogenic reaction.

Late toxicosis. Causes

During preeclampsia there is an increase of body weight due to edema. Swelling can occur as visible and hidden. Therefore, only sensing the change of state, it is necessary to inform the leading pregnancy doctor.

The causes of late toxicosis:

  • disease of an infectious nature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • violation of the recommended diet for pregnant women;
  • pregnancy at an early age;
  • pregnancy at a later age;
  • a short period of time between pregnancies;
  • the fatigue of the body, lack of sleep and lack of relaxation.