You will need
  • Carrot juice, carrots, honey, beet juice, juice of garlic, aloe juice, pipette.
Carrot juice is useful in diseases such as rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, of varying severity, allergies, accompanied by the secretion of mucus from the nose. Carrot juice can cure rhinitis pregnant women and children.
Carrot juice contains phytoncides, which act against various infections and microorganisms. Onions and garlic also is composed of these substances. However, carrot juice has almost no smell and does not irritate the nose, so it is recommended for the treatment of rhinitis in children. For juicing take only fresh carrots with a bright orange color. The root must be an integer: no black spots and cracks. Only this carrot is valuable and suitable for upcoming treatment. Carrots yellow and white colors of the much less volatile, so they are not recommended.
For the preparation of carrot juice, first wash the vegetable and peel it from the peel. When cleaning better Scoblete carrots, as close to the skin contains a large number of nutrients. After that make juice in the juicer. Then the natural juice be sure to dilute with water one to one. Bury only fresh juice, not the one that was stored in the refrigerator for a week. It left almost no nutrients. If you plan to treat a runny nose in a child, the ratio of water and juice should be 2:1.
Before burying carrot rinse the nose with warm boiled water, so nutrients are better able to act. Then take the eyedropper, type in the juice and drip into the nasal passages 2 drops. The interval between the drops shall be 3 hours. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease. Under normal cold treated carrot juice for 5 days, and if you follow sinusitis instillation 8 days. The maximum duration of treatment: not more than 8 days. If after 8 days the runny nose does not stop, you should contact the audiologist. He needs to appoint other treatments.
Can prepare such drops in a glass of carrot juice mix two tablespoons of honey. The mix also bury the dropper into the nasal passages several times a day. Carrot juice mixed in equal proportions with beetroot is also an effective remedy for the common cold. The treatment complete course. Can mix equal proportions of carrot, beetroot juice, garlic juice and aloe. Such a vigorous blend is very effective in infectious diseases. However, it is contraindicated in pregnant and Allergy sufferers.