Accountant – qualified in accounting, working on a special system that includes the collection, registration and generalization of information in monetary terms about the condition of the property and capital through the permanent reference books.


The duties of the accountant includes a number of tasks: it must establish the normal functioning of the financial Department of the enterprise, to monitor the timely repayment of state taxes, payroll employees, etc.

The job of an accountant is not only to guide accounting and reporting. It needs to organize and control the procedure of registration of various documents to analyse tax policy in the country and in line with this to adjust the operation of the enterprise, to conclude agreements with various organizations, to establish contact with suppliers and buyers.

A complete list of duties of the chief accountant is painted in a special document, known as the Qualification guide of positions of managers, specialists and other employees approved by the Decree of the Ministry of labor of Russia from 21.08.1998 № 37.

The accountants are different

The duties of an accountant vary somewhat depending on what field he is working. For example, the duties of the accountant of the banking institution differ from an accountant, working in the factory. Everywhere have their differences.

The job of an accountant on the payroll is the payroll, calculating sick leave, etc. At the apparent ease this job requires a lot of responsibility, a mistake here could be critical. Therefore, for this position prefer to hire employees with experience.

Accountant cashier of the Bank not less responsible position. It needs to conduct operations on the banks on rouble and foreign currency accounts, prepare payment requests and expense reports, cash orders.

Accountant accounting of inventory should keep records of fixed assets, goods, amortization, and cost.

Thus, the job of an accountant has a number of difficulties, however with the right approach it is possible to build a good career. In addition, there is another distinct advantage of this profession is a good salary. Even a novice technician can get a good income.