Kefir has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, digestive tract. This dairy product is a source of calcium and vitamins, especially important to strengthen the immune system of mother and baby. To consume this drink during lactation is possible, if the child has no Allergy to cow's milk, and hypersensitive.

Yogurt during pregnancy – an invaluable benefit

Despite the fact that during fermentation of fermented milk product in it is formed a small amount of alcohol, yogurt nursing mothers can eat and need. Numerous studies on this effect have shown that due to the low concentration of alcohol in the kefir into the milk, the alcohol does not penetrate. Therefore, any harm to the baby from this side of the tasty drink will bring.

With regular use kefir helps to normalize the digestive process. For mothers who during pregnancy face constipation and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract, this point is particularly important. Also, this product inhibits the processes of putrefaction, fermentation in the gut.

The benefits of yogurt for nursing mother and baby is obvious, because fermented milk drink has a refreshing effect. It also calms the nervous system, helps relieve fatigue. If you drink yogurt at night constantly, you will soon forget fatigue. Plus this product allows you to lose the weight gained during pregnancy.

How often can I drink kefir during pregnancy

Breastfeeding mom can safely drink a glass or two of kefir a day. If you eat drink more often, the child may get diarrhea. Especially be careful with the presence of any milk and dairy products need to be when the baby is young, his digestive system is being formed. From the diet of mother is better to remove the yogurt in the period of colic, in order not to aggravate the situation.

Drinking kefir impossible, if the child has intolerance to cow protein. If you don't know about this problem, but not sure that the baby will not be allergic, include the product in the diet gradually. Start with a small amount of drink a day, then gradually increase the potency of the product. Noticing a rash on body toddler itching, colic, diarrhea, and other causes for concern – at the time of discard of the drink. In a few weeks you can try to enter the yogurt back on the menu.

The best choice for nursing moms will be a one-day kefir. As is known, this product has a mild laxative. The two-day kefir is neutral, and the three-day has the effect of fixing. It can increase gas production in the intestine, which is undesirable for mother and child. Be sure to keep fermented milk drink in the fridge.