What dreams pregnancy? The Dream Miller

The most famous in the world dream book interprets the dream as follows. The woman is not a virgin, learn in a dream that she is pregnant, to misunderstanding on the part of the husband. In addition, her future children will be born ugly and unattractive. Virgin to expect in the dream of the child – to shame and different diseases in reality. If navideca, who saw this dream, really is pregnant, this will serve as a favorable prognosis fast and safe delivery.

Modern dream interpretation: in anticipation of future child

If the waiting child's dream a poor girl, soon she will have a chance to get rich, increasing your social status. Successful and accomplished in the lives of women are dreams of the promise to ruin, the collapse in business etc. Sometimes these dreams and see men. If a married man dreamed that he was expecting a child with his mistress – in reality it is not excluded a huge scandal, the initiator of which will make his wife. As they say, sleep in the arm.

If unmarried men dream of their second halves are waiting for them to children, soon the dreamers will meet the girl of his dreams, which becomes the legal wife. Older women to dream of myself pregnant to death. If navideca very often sees such dreams, but in reality she is not pregnant and not even think about it, it's not really a good sign. The fact that there will be disease, hunger and possibly poverty.

What a dream that she is pregnant? Dream Interpretation Freud

The famous founder of the technique of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud in his dream book says that to wait in the sleep of the unborn child is a clear perspective for the future. According to his dream, the women, who see these dreams, already subconsciously preparing itself for motherhood. Hence the forecast: being pregnant in a dream – to become a mother in reality. Logic, of course, do not argue. In addition, Freud gives the interpretation of dreams, in which pregnant women are men. On the one hand, this speaks to the moral readiness of man to become a father, and on the other hand, such dream promises trouble in relationships with women.

What a dream pregnancy in the dream book Lofa

Off, considering the pregnancy in the dream as a symbol of adulthood and unused creative potential. This dream for young girls means the cessation of growing up and puberty. In other words, he speaks about the final and informed membership of snovideni adulthood. For a grown woman this dream promises trouble and financial problems in the future. If men dream that they are expecting a baby, it speaks about their somnenii in their own masculinity.