When mouth apply ointments and antiseptics?

The first act of the physician in the treatment of any form of stomatitis is the so-called reorganization, that is, rinsing of the oral cavity of various antiseptics. As such disinfectants can be used following: a three percent hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, furatsilina or chlorhexidine. Also used drugs, which include medicinal plants. Example: malavit, rotokan or solution Hlorofillipt at a dilution of 1:5.

For the treatment of pain in the oral cavity in children and adults may be pain-relieving gels. Such drugs include: Holisal, Linkler, Kamistad gel, Instillagel, Kalgel, and others. The composition of these preparations typically include an anesthetic, e.g., lidocaine and an antiseptic.

The use of ointments in the treatment of various types of stomatitis

The cause of the stomatitis may be the herpes virus. Treatment of herpetic stomatitis is based on the use of various antiviral ointments. The composition of these drugs can be included both vegetable and chemical components. The most common antiviral ointments are the following: Oxolinic, Tebrofenovaya, Alpizarina ointment and Acyclovir, which is applicable in the form of an ointment or in pill form.

If the changes of the mucous membrane caused by a fungus of the genus Candida in the oral cavity arose the so-called yeast infection that is white patches, then consider the use of antifungal ointments. Such tools include Nistatinum and Clotrimazolum ointment. You can also apply gels prolonged action, for example, the drug Viferon, which is valid for 48 hours after application. A good antiseptic for the treatment of fungal infections of the oral cavity is the Pimafucin, which is applicable for both adults and children.

For the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, which is characterized by the occurrence of ulcers in the oral cavity, after pre-treatment with special drugs can be used ointment called Clobetasol. Also important is the fact that the treatment of each inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa should be used a comprehensive approach that includes not only local treatment with ointments and antiseptics, and common antibacterial, antiviral or immune therapy. Only in the case of this approach the doctor can ensure the speedy recovery of his patient.