You will need
  • Computer, WinRAR, Internet access
Almost all downloadable from the Internet the driver Packed into the archive. To unzip them you need to have on your computer a archiver WinRAR. If you have no archiver, download it from the Internet and install it.
Click on the archive file driver right-click. In the resulting context menu select "Extract files". In the next window, select the folder where you placed the extracted files and click OK.
Then open the folder with extracted drivers. In this folder, locate the Setup file or Autorun and click the right button of the mouse. In the ensuing menu, select "Open". Then starts the "found new hardware Wizard". The installation process is exactly the same as installing drivers from disk. Just following the prompts of the wizard, install the driver. After driver installation restart the computer.
If you open the Setup or Autorun file, an error occurs and the setup Wizard does not run, you should do it another way. Click on the icon "My computer" right-click in the resulting menu, select "Properties". In the next window, click "device Manager". Opens the device list. In this list, find the device that has the downloaded driver by clicking the right button of the mouse. In the ensuing menu, select "Update driver".
In the next window, select "search for drivers on this computer". Another window will open up in which click "Browse" and specify the path to the folder which contains the driver. Then click "Next". Will begin the driver installation process. Wait for it to finish and restart the computer even if the system is not required.
If in the process of installing the drivers an error occurs, most likely, you downloaded the wrong version of the drivers. Perhaps you have a 32-bit operating system and you have downloaded the driver for 64-bit. Look closely at the drivers. The information to which operating system they fit is in the folder.