A good habit

Sexologists and psychologists have similar opinions: after some time, the love loses its paint, the fire of passion can not burn eternally. Every couple is different, so the crisis period of extinction everyone experiences differently: some will give up and leave, others continue to live with each other. The second option is possible only in the case when both are accustomed to the good things in their relationship, and no one is willing to abandon the familiar comfort. No wonder they say that to good quickly get used. Therefore, the man quickly become accustomed to the woman, she must bring him the maximum number of positive associations.

The first thing you should pay attention to is, of course, Gen. Gently sleep, eat, clean to wear – the primary needs of a normal man. He will quickly get used to the fact that there is someone who gives him the opportunity to forget about the problem with the second sock, dirty pots and mouse hanged in the refrigerator.

Secondly, a man must get used to return to a comfortable home where he was always happy and greeted with a hundred claims at the threshold. During the mass of emancipation, when every other girl would rather acquire the book "How to become a bitch" than "How to be a good wife", women who can create the atmosphere of a "home fortress", men value their weight in gold.

What is to be feared

Constantly engaged in the organization of comfortable conditions of life of the beloved, the woman risks a lot. First of all, devoting herself to him, she can expect constant expressions of gratitude. It's kind of a trap because the man thinks several different categories. People do not admire every day the ability to breath or walk. Same here. For men organized life is as natural. So the woman should not be offended by the lack of everyday laudatory odes to his address, it is better to learn to enjoy the process. She also lives in this house and eat the same food, and thus makes it not only for him.

It is fair to say that, even becoming the perfect hostess who not flaunting around the house in old pajamas, and looks neat and curvy, a woman not immune from parting with a beloved man. Can always find one that will cook tastier and warmer take, besides in bed with her all will be interesting and new.

But there is something else than men do cherish is the friendships. For new extreme sensations, he likely will be able to throw well-groomed woman and a good hostess, but is unlikely to sacrifice the best friend and confidant. The woman will need her man as air, if you share his interests, will be able to become a grateful listener, interesting conversationalist, reliable support, while remaining always a little self-sufficient and independent.