About the causes and consequences of

Many people know the situation when you hate everything, even the most minor details and seemingly neutral situation when you want to destroy or, conversely, to cry from impotence. All this is a sign of pent-up aggression, the cause of which may be hidden in the constant external pressure on the psyche or inner feelings.

Often the reason are stress, fatigue, the abundance of incoming information, the constant feeling of rush or expectations. When the General irritation from confusion or dissatisfaction is growing, but has no outlet, it turns into a powerful aggression, throw you want, otherwise the mental state approaching neurotic, and this is a serious medical problem.

It is important to remember that anger and anxiety should not be set aside. Permanent suppression of such natural feelings (unless of course they were not eternal life satellites) leads to a deterioration of moral and physical health. And, as a consequence, and to aging, and other complications.

About the methods

There are a few ways that help in a timely manner to cope with the passions and boiling emotions. You first need to remove the annoying object, to isolate their consciousness from the unwanted situation or any trouble. To go to another room to muffle the sounds, even just to take off their tight shoes or to change jobs (in more severe cases) — good all the way.

You need to learn to disconnect from the outside world, to withdraw into himself, but not in the continuous grinding of problems, making plans and thinking what to cook for dinner and to find the inner emptiness. And only then, finding a quiet area to start filling it with warmth and joy.

It is important to exhale itself from the resentment and irritation, not even figuratively. To feel your body and give the mind something pleasant. For some it's music, for some people, flipping through old photos, and someone you just want to pet the cat. Need at this moment to do something for yourself. Selfishly and honestly. Scarlett said "I'll think about it tomorrow." It may be wise to adopt the method? At least learn after calm to solve problems as they arrive. And not to pile up all at once.

If a psychological release that requires time and "hunting to change of places" not suitable, and the situation requires immediate resolution, you have to give aggression a more dramatic exit than the exhale. What? To translate the psychological irritation of physical activity. Go for a jog, poprisedat vigorously to break the paper stack, to dance, to break something, or even yell if conditions allow. Not on loved ones, even if they are involved, and nowhere.

And the most effective rescue from a state in which the itch is the following: do not succumb to the provocation of difficult situations and take care of yourself.