Urine is a complex solution consisting of more than 150 compounds. Some specific substances, for example, acetone, bile acids, protein, glucose may be present in the urine in certain diseases.

To control the health of a person, first and foremost, you must determine the amount of urine. The norm is the formation of 1-1. 8 l of urine per day. When allocating more than 2 liters of urine is a symptom of the disruption to the functioning of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus and several other diseases. If the day is formed less than 0.5 liters of urine, there is a blockage of the ureter or bladder.

The color of urine

Color of urine depends on many factors, so may change from pale yellow to orange. The presence of certain colors can affect some foods, and adopted human medicines.

After medication, the urine can turn and acquire a reddish hue. If the person is actively moving, while he has produce a lot of sweat, urine will be intensely yellow, as in the reception of funds type "Nitroxoline" or "Biomitsin".

If the person has not taken any coloring of food and drugs, but the color of his urine different from usual, you can suspect the presence in the body of any disease. For example, liver disease urine will be dark yellow or greenish color.

The presence of blood in the urine allocated clearly indicates the presence of a stone in the ureter or kidney bleeding, if you experience and pain.

If difficult urination - this may indicate inflammation caused by any infection in the bladder. But dirty and murky urine, evidence of severe kidney disease.

Protein in the urine

In the blood of the human protein is absent or its amount is so small that it is not determined by means of laboratory tests. In case of detection in the urine protein is necessary to conduct repeated tests, as it may be present at the morning the awakening of man, as well as after heavy physical work or load in athletes.

Visually determine whether there is albuminuria or not 100% impossible. We can only guess when the urine has a large amount of whitish flakes.

If albuminuria is detected repeatedly, it indicates the presence of any kidney disease. Inflammatory processes occurring in them, provoke a slight increase of protein. If the urine it is allocated more than 2 grams is a disturbing signal.