In the case when to the doctor promptly contact is not possible, but to hide from prying eyes does not work, it is possible to determine the cause of swelling lips.

If a person suffers from allergies in any form, whether negative reactions to pollen, dust, food or pet hair, it is recommended to take the drugs designed to combat allergens (substances that cause itching, rashes, redness and other adverse events). Today there are many drugs designed to treat certain types of allergies, such as food. There are medicines that fight the symptoms of allergies, in particular, with the tumorYu on the lips. However, the choice of medication should carefully study its contraindications and side effects.

If the cause of swollen lips is an inflammatory process (an unpleasant smell from the wound, the formation of pus or other discharge, pain), the skin around the lesion should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. It will disinfect the wound.

Inflammation may occur as a result of strong blow, open wound, including squeezing pimples, cut or tear soft tissue. Dry the tumor site can and iodine. But in the case where the tumor is, and the person suffers from dull, oppressive pain, you need to consult a doctor. If this is not done in time, accumulated in the lip of the pus will have to be removed through surgery.

In the case when lip is swollen due to an infectious or viral diseases (including genital herpes, SARS, stomatitis), you should use antiseptic products that are sold in pharmacies. When selecting antiseptics attention should be paid to the contraindications and side effects. For accurate diagnosis of the disease should go on reception to the therapist. It will redirect the patient to a dermatologist, dentist or other specialist. Tighten the treatment of these diseases is not recommended, because they can lead to serious complications, to eliminate that will be several times harder than that formed on the lip of the tumor.