Like all important things, the procedure to bring the money spend on growing the moon. To collapse the dollar with a triangle first turn the bill so that the portrait of George Washington staring at you, the top was right, and bottom – left.
The top-left corner bend to the right edge of the dollar, then fold the note top of the resulting triangle to itself to make a rectangle. Turn a dollar on the diagonal, wrapped the hypotenuse of the triangle inside. You have to be an upside-down word one. There are three addition.
Fold the triangle base remaining bottom corners of the bills and wrap them in dollar figures, cementing the paper layers. This is the surest way to collapse the dollar triangle.
Turn the figure on the other side, and you will see the image of the pyramid with the eye on top (the so-called sign of the masons) – this is the obverse side of the folded dollar. The top of the pyramid should be facing up, so bill and turn it clockwise 90 degrees.
Hold the triangle from the dollar to the lips and whisper three times read the spell: "Like a strong river attracts streams, and the sea strong rivers, how a woman attracts a man and a woman, as the night draws the day, and day and night, so you were drawn to their own kind. So be it!"
Put a dollar folded into a triangle, in the little compartment wallet green or gold color face to his and top up. Bill never remove or turn that eye was always sure that the money is not transferred, and attracted them to himself.
Fill the purse with money in order from larger bills to smaller, coins put in the special branch. Keep your bills straight, so give up the purse in favor of clutch.