How is corn or growth?
In the place where rubbing occurs, is formed a bunch of thick keratinized dead cells. Over time, the corn grows. If there is a tough middle — this is a growth. Between the toes, usually the blisters are soft, because they are constantly soaked in sweat. In this case, there is friction between the bones of two adjacent toes. Skin becomes rough and cracked. Painful cracks exacerbate pain when walking.
How to deal with calluses and growths?
Main request — please don't try to be a surgeon. Don't think that you by yourself can easily cut corn any sharp instruments. The consequence of incorrect actions can be the accession of infection. Especially should beware that patients with diabetes mellitus.
• If you use corn plaster or pad with salicylates, it is necessary to observe the rule: to apply them exactly to the corn tissue, not the skin around. Make a round hole for corn in a small strip and apply the ointment or plaster without damaging the surrounding skin. To apply this treatment is recommended no more than twice a week. Some dermatologists generally recommend to avoid this method, as you can see subsequently, burns and skin ulcers.
• To relieve pain you can do a salt bath for the feet. This will alleviate the pressure of the tumor on the nearby nerves.
• To soften the hardened tissue of corn, you can use a chamomile bath.
• Rasparte feet in hot water, then RUB with a pumice stone to remove the top layer of the skin. Apply any foot cream. And do this daily after a shower.
• Make a night "mask" for corn: RUB 5 tablets of aspirin, add a little water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the corn, wrap with a plastic bag and warm towel. In the morning, treat this place with a pumice stone.
• Do not start the process of the growth of corn. The best effect is in the initial stage.
• Do not wear tight shoes, it should match your size in length, width and height. Stretch shoes. Wear a medium-height heel. If necessary, use spacers between the toes or in the arch.