You will need
- - fermented wine;
- - glass containers;
- water;
- - sugar.
If table wine is fermenting, you can prepare him wine vinegar in the following recipe. Take 1.5 liters of the said beverage and pour it into a five-liter glass jar. Same here, add 4.5 litres of boiled water.
In wine vinegar go sugar and honey. Take 400 grams of honey or sugar and add to container.
Next, pour in the mixed liquid cream of Tartar is the sediment from the wine, stir the contents. Put the container, covered with gauze, in a dark warm place. Here the wine will ferment at 50-55 days.
After that, lay a triple layer of cheesecloth in a sieve or colander and strain the resulting liquid product. Pour it in bottles, close tightly. Store home wine vinegar in a cool place.
Add it to salads. It is good for marinating fish, meat. Can do with vinegar from fermented wine, vegetable seaming. As it stand almost 2 months, please have it ready in advance to the harvest season to be able to use for canning.
The period of aging of vinegar rather big, so we need to do well before the season conserves and twists.
If you want to make wine vinegar from the Portuguese ancient recipe, you will need an oak barrel, or at least chips of this tree.
First, you need to get the leaven that is done in the previous recipe. Only instead of wine, use grape juice. Enough 150-200 grams of wine vinegar.
Pour 1.5 liters of wine soured in an oak barrel. If not, then take glass bottles and put a few oak chips. Optionally, you can add a cinnamon stick.