The choice of handle for a first grader – not an easy task and responsible. During the initial development of writing in the child matters every detail. The thickness of the rod to form the barrel of the pen and the material from which it is made. And even the ink color.

Underdeveloped muscles in the hands of first graders with a low level of voluntary attention, it transforms the letter into a complex work.

Early first graders wrote pen-handles, by which they were formed right the writing skills. The fact that fountain pens can only write at a certain tilt and push. Therefore, the students eventually learned to hold a pen correctly.

Perhaps the only drawback of feathers, there were many blots in the writing of first graders. To calculate the slope - no easy task. In order to get a line the optimum thickness, had to make a lot of effort. Because if you squeeze their hand a little harder — get a blot, a little less – do not write in pen.

Today you can find models of ballpoint pens that's getting hard to write at the wrong angle. Because of this, the child is automatically selects the optimal tilt, and without the help of adults learning to hold a pen correctly.

What are handles

It turns out that simple at first glance of the handles there are so many. To determine which of them is more suitable to first graders, you need to know the features of each of them.

Ballpoint pen

The most common handle, of a shank thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. If, nevertheless, decided to stay on the ballpoint pen, the better her body will be triangular shape. First, this pen fits comfortably in children's hands. Second, it eliminates the possibility of slip, and hence the surge of children's fingers. Of the shortcomings can be noted that the rods such handles are quite often too easily soiled. Rod is better to choose a ball of medium thickness.

Gel pen

It often attracts the eye because of the brighter inks. However, these pens are more suitable for older children. As in the gel web feed rate of ink can be regulated, for younger students it is suitable. A letter in this rod will leave spots and stains.


These pens do not differ from the marker, because it was originally designed for sketching and drawing. With their help it is not necessary to teach a child letter. A very big disadvantage of such writing instruments and that line from them shines through the thin paper notebook.

Oil pen

Pen with oily ink is extremely pleasant to use. The special structure and texture of the ink facilitates easy sliding across the paper. In addition, these inks dry quickly and doesn't fade. At any level of skill letters these handles will fit every child, mastering the letter. The only disadvantage of the oil pen is that the ink consumption is quite large.

A few rules of buying a pen for a first grader

The selected pen must be safe, comfortable, inexpensive.
Pay attention to the quality of plastic from which made the housing of the handle. Better, if it is to comply with environmental regulations. In addition, the handle should not be heavy. Not yet accustomed to the letter a child's hand can quickly get tired.

It is undesirable to handle length was more than 13 cm

At the point of contact with the child's fingers have to be rubber pad. If you have purchased such a pen, the child will be able hard to fix it. Rather, his hand is on it will not slip.

Even if the child asks for a pen in curly the body, especially it is decorated with volume elements not in a hurry to satisfy this whim. In the visual appeal, these pens are extremely inconvenient for writing, especially long. Pens with a large number of elements or multiple rods can be dangerous for the baby. For this reason, it is better to use the pen without the cap.

If a younger student is left-handed, you can buy a special pen for left-handed children. It is specifically tailored to their physiological characteristics.