Social network "Vkontakte"

Social network "Vkontakte" - one of the Champions for the number of participants. People register there to be informed about the latest events in the life of friends and acquaintances to share your photos, watch movies and listen to the songs. What good social networking is the freedom of communication and lack of obstacles. You can easily communicate with a person living in another city. Not necessarily that he was the same age. The main thing - the desire to communicate, and topics of conversation there.

The acquaintance with the girl

Through social network "Vkontakte" start a relationship between a man and a woman. It can begin with left a comment to the photo or husky. This gesture will show that a guy interested in a girl, and monitors all events that occur in her life. Girls love to share on social media their experiences or, conversely, joyful events. Need to pay attention in which case just substitute the girl a friendly shoulder.

Meet "Vkontakte" is very easy. The first step is to find any girl to look at her page, be sure to check the box with the information about marital status. If the girl has no photos with the guy in the arms, so she is actively looking, and you can begin to act. You should tie a girl to the conversation. It takes something unusual. The banal phrase with words of welcome, nobody will be interested. You can come up with fascinating history with a touch of humor, jokes and nursery rhymes will also be appropriate. The girl will definitely appreciate this original approach. It is important not to overdo it with fiction. It is important to feel the location and attitude of the girls. If she willingly began to reply to messages, it means she is interested in. Do not forget about compliments in her address.

Analysis of information

Before the beginning of the conversation, you need to carefully analyze the information, which she indicated on the page. You can view a list of audio recordings and videos, view photos. These data will help in the selection of topics for communication. Probably, there is a common taste in music, have friends in common, shared the same hobby. Evaluation of photographs will provide an opportunity to examine in detail the appearance of the girl, to figure out how she spends her free time to see friends, her Hobbies and leisure activities. On the first day of meeting should not call a girl out on a date. You must hold intrigue, to make sure she was just waiting for the guy a message, wishes good morning or Goodnight. If the girl is reluctant to contact, then you should not be disappointed, and it is better to postpone their offensive for another day. The reason for this may be in a bad mood ladies.