Quitting Smoking and physiological aspect

It is worth considering that the so-called recovery process after quitting Smoking well as long as the process of development of dependence. When a person starts to smoke, he rarely sees any "side effects" from such habits is to notice the problems with the health it starts only after months or years of Smoking.

Absolutely the same process occurs during rehabilitation: to notice changes in condition can be and succeed, but they will be insignificant, but truly noticeable change state of the organism can be observed only through the first six months or a year, when the bulk of the resin will be removed from the body, and neurons in the brain forget about what the nicotine.

Of course, much depends on how old the person should have the habit of Smoking cigarettes. If you break the twenty-year process of Smoking, improvement will be seen immediately, but in the future it will become more distinct, than of a man who smoked from the force six months, and then quit.
Improvements are of two kinds: quickly manifesting (lack of breath, improvement of smell), and manifested after a long period (breathing, blood pressure, concentration).

The psychological aspect of the process of quitting

The main barrier in the process of quitting can be called "effect the first of the week." Under this effect imply that as the withdrawal symptoms that quit Smoking and feel in the first week (ten days).

Status "failure" is characterized by, firstly, emotional stress, increasing the desire to smoke, with the General decline. Often this condition can be called a disease: the immune system of the smoker accustomed to regular doses of nicotine, quickly weakened when the nicotine stops doing it, and, consequently, increases the likelihood of catching a cold or some virus.
Another notable advantage of stopping Smoking is financial. To feel this positive start a few detail. However, spending money on anything more useful than the thing that destroys the body from within.

As shown by numerous studies, after the withdrawal from nicotine, a period of severe coughing that causes the removal of tar from the lungs and Airways of the body. Do not be afraid.

The last of the stages of denial can be called the stage of weight gain as studies have shown that approximately 60% of men and 51% of women gaining from 1 to 6 pounds after quitting Smoking. Weight gain is often associated with the process of rebuilding the endocrine system and increased hunger.