Music touches

It is the nuances of speech or song that make them so unique. The melody, in which no articulation, different shades, sounds mechanical and empty. This music doesn't hook the viewer, as it will sound monotonous monotonous speech.

Articulation in music is called different ways of "propekanie tunes. In terms of connectivity or ruggedness notes. Articulation is especially indicated in musical notation, indicating to the performer how to play the specified fragment of the melody.

The three main types of musical articulation or bar delegato, Legato and staccato. They are present in all musical works.

The word "Legato" is translated from Italian as "related". This name implies that the notes you have to play so the sounds gradually succeeded each other without shocks and interruptions. The sound should be distributed evenly from tone to tone. There are a huge number of exercises aimed at the correct development of the hand and fingers for the proper execution of this technique. In the note letter indicate the bar Legato arc or League.

These Italian words...

"Nonlegit" or "separate" is most often used in the plays performed in the movable pace. This bar is in no way indicated in the notes. At the beginning of training the majority of students plays separately. When playing nonlegal sounds from the instrument are extracted smoothly without jerky or smooth sound.

"Staccato" in Italian translates as "jerky". In this version, the melody sounds harsh, with noticeable pauses between notes, the tempo of the game is not slowing down. Staccato musical passage makes a light, delicate, graceful. It is quite difficult to master the technique, many pianists, for example, unaccustomed to hurt the tips of your fingers, because the keys have to beat sharply and briefly. Something touch quick staccato reminiscent of typing on a keyboard, but instead the characteristic crackling sound notes. This bar is the antithesis of the Legato stroke. In musical notation it is denoted by a dot over or under a note, depending on where it is aimed.

These basic features have generated a lot of additional. But in fact, what Legato, staccato and nonlegal determine the sound plays. Everything else — the details. At the beginning of training musicians to make a difference between these methods of sound production as noticeable. This difference built a huge number of musical pieces.