What you need to handle

The stitches are usually removed 7-10 days after surgery. Usually all this time the patient remains hospitalized, and the condition of the wound is observing the health worker. Sometimes it happens that the patient can go home sooner, but it should definitely handle the seams yourself.

To care for non-infected postoperative joints will need various antiseptics: alcohol, iodine, solution of potassium permanganate, etc. you can Also use hydrogen peroxide, 10% solution of sodium chloride, or ordinary paint. We should not forget about the necessary improvised means, such as adhesive tape, tweezers, sterile wipes and bandages. It is important not only what to treat the joints, and how to handle them. This largely depends on the nature and complexity of the operation itself. For example, if we are talking about caring for stitches after eye surgery, the patient should perform daily thorough outdoor treatment under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise the consequences could be fatal.

How to handle seams

If the operation was successful, the patient is on a home treatment and the stitches are not infected, their treatment should begin with a thorough washing with antiseptic liquid. For this you need tweezers to take a small piece of cloth and drench it with peroxide or alcohol. Then a blotting movements to handle the seam and the area around it. The next step is the application of sterile bandages pre-soaked in hypertonic solution and wrung out. Top need to put another sterile cloth. At the end of the seam tabinoyado and sealed with an adhesive plaster. If the wound does not fester, such a procedure is permitted in a day.

The post-operative care for scar

If the sutures were removed at the hospital in the home will have to handle the scar. Care is quite simple – daily lubrication brilliant green during the week. If the scar is nothing oozing out, and he's dry enough, no need to seal it with an adhesive plaster, as in the air such wounds heal much faster. It should be remembered that in the case of systematic appearance of blood or liquid at the place of the scar, recommended self-treatment. It is better to trust medical professionals, as this may indicate contact with a wound infection. It is important to know that the seams should not use cotton swabs. Their particles can linger in the joint and cause inflammatory process. An alternative will be convenient to use gauze.