The first thing to do is to eliminate the damaging factor. In thermal burns it is necessary to remove drenched with boiling water or burnt clothes (to tear pieces of cloth from the wound not). Please rate the degree of damage: if the skin is red, there is swelling, but skin integrity is not broken, we can talk about first degree burns. These injuries are painful but to cure them quickly, without the help of a doctor. If the skin had bubbles is a second – degree burn. See a doctor if the affected a significant part of the body.

When third-degree burns damage deeper skin layers, require the intervention of a specialist. Burns of fourth degree accompanied by a charring of the skin, can be damaged subcutaneous tissue and even bone is a very serious injury. Fortunately, most household burns are in the first or second degree, so the first aid you can provide yourself.

Affected area of the body needs to cool. If burned limb, it should be put under cold running water or place in a bowl of cold water for 10-15 minutes. Water cooled only burns the first or second degree! If possible substitute the burned area of the body under running water is not available, apply ice or a frozen piece of meat wrapped in a pure package or in a towel.

After the affected area is cold enough, you can apply wet dressing. In pharmacies sell special gel bandage that facilitates healing and relieves pain. Burns funds, for example, spray with panthenol, it is better to apply after the skin temperature of the burn will be quite reduced.

In chemical burns should be washed with water corrosive which you can then apply a bandage. This does not include burns caused quicklime – exposure to water will cause a chemical reaction at the site of injury. Lime need to remove with a dry cloth, and then the affected area will need to be lubricated.

If the burn is extensive (the area corresponds to roughly the area 5 palms of the victim), it is better to consult a doctor regardless of the degree of the burn.

In any case can not open the resulting bubbles – so you can get an infection. Avoid folk remedies – egg white, honey, curd and ink is better to use for its intended purpose.

You cannot lubricate the affected area with alcohol-containing liquids, iodine, brilliant green – it will cause increased pain, further damage the injured skin.

Burns is also prohibited to smear oil, grease, any greasy ointments are allowed only with special tools recommended by the doctor, and apply them only after cooling of the skin.