The first sex and modern society

Over the past decade, ideas about sex have distorted humanity. Society has become more frivolous: it is now openly promoted gay marriage, various TV shows openly, publicly disclose someone else's sexual life, do not hesitate to say that seemed like a special sacrament, and something intimate. By the wayside depart morality, ethics. Chastity has been more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

Teenage sex is no surprise. But it is worth considering as a fourteen year old girl, more recently, jumping in the classics, could become a complete woman? In fact, roughly speaking, is a piece of meat, with immature psyche, without the life-of values which do not have specific views on life. After all, sex is not just a chain of mechanical movements, a kind of algorithm for fun, it is a kind of test of maturity.

Sex is the crown, the highest point of manifestation of love in human community, not basic instinct, suggesting the possibility to leave behind as many healthy offspring.

Correct first sex: instructions for use

Of course, there are no official sources that contain information about how old you need to start sexually active. However, from the point of view of sociology and psychology, we can say that the formation of personality, its final stage, it is necessary for 18-20 years, i.e. we are not talking only about puberty, but about spiritual development.

It is important that the first sex happened with a loved one, by mutual consent, without pressure and coercion. This moment should be full of joy, tenderness, warmth and love. After all, the first sex sets a certain tone for future intimate relationships. If something went wrong at the initial stage, the resulting shock can significantly affect the psyche as a whole.

Better if the first sexual experience happens with an experienced partner who will give you a minimum of discomfort, because the first sex - the procedure unpleasant. First sex should not be on the run, spontaneously and planned in advance, so it was a logical step in the development of your joint relationship. Pleasant atmosphere, good conversation, high confidence in their desires, long foreplay - the key to a good first sex.