View from the outside at yourself and answer honestly to the question: do you like yourself? If you are not satisfied with something in your appearance, the urgent need to engage in its transformation. Perhaps the man is dissatisfied with this. Visit a hair salon, make pedicure and manicures, make an appointment with the beautician and start to go to the gym. Exercise will increase your vitality, give you more confidence in themselves and their abilities. A girl with a strong character that tries to look neat, can not look at the man.

Communicate with your boyfriend as much as possible. Try to find common topics for conversation. Maybe you have the same interests and Hobbies that you do not even know. Behave yourself in the conversation naturally and easily, the man also opened, and felt an interest in you.

Remember how you behaved last time. Perhaps you said something to hurt the guy or given him enough attention. Make sure that you start to care about your companion that he felt in you, that same girl wants to be. Make him a gift in the form of a small souvenir as an expression of your feelings and make sure you tell them how much you care about him. He may have expressed when speaking of his desire to have any thing, and if you presented him with the coveted object, he will be very touched by such attention.

Try to pay attention to you guy's using some well-known feminine wiles. Slipped "accidentally" Shoe bound to cause him a concerned look and will draw attention to your slender legs. Correct as often as possible hair and earring, and he is sure to notice the beautiful features of your face and the smooth curve of the neck. If the guy will admire your appearance and the way you stay relaxed during the conversation, he absolutely does not want to stay away from a girl.

Arrange a memorable date to your date remember it. For example, make an appointment at the sports bar, if you book in advance good places for a responsible match of his favorite football team. At the time try to talk less, give a word to the man and listen to him more. Praise him for his various successes, make a nice compliment. Such behavior on your part will not go unnoticed and will be appreciated.