If a woman was guaranteed a job at the moment, when I found out about the pregnancy, she has greater rights. What if the woman is unemployed? The answer to this question: the woman put social benefits.

Are the rights of every woman

True that the loss of job or dismissal to get a new job it becomes problematic if a woman is pregnant. In the law of the Russian Federation States that pregnancy is not grounds for denial of a workplace, but a well-known fact – the existence of loopholes, the well-known businessman who does not want to employ a pregnant woman. Accordingly, a large number of women, when turned down, become unemployed pregnant mothers.

Contact the employment center. Remember that no one can refuse registration in the absence of work. Every pregnant woman registered at the employment center, is the allowance on a monthly basis.

The employment center will provide a guaranteed payment, only their sizes leave much to be desired, and the amount of the benefit will vary, depending on the salary of a previous job, considering the time that had been fired recently. In this case, the payment in the first 3 months will be 75% of the last salary and then 60% within 4 months.
If the woman has not worked long enough, you would be relying only the minimum rate specified for a given period of time.

It is important to know every mom

No matter how old newly mom. Being unemployed, each has the right to receive benefits. You can determine several important things you should know about:

1. Women who were dismissed during pregnancy in connection with the liquidation of the company, entitled to the payment of the minimum amount. The same allowance can count moms who are students of educational institutions, only the calculation will be based on scholarship, not a salary.

2. If the mother did not work at all during the whole pregnancy period, benefits for pregnancy and childbirth will not be paid.

3. If the family is only the father of the child, the benefit will also be relied upon.

If the husband is not working and not registered at the labor exchange, to seek the support of the district social security by place of residence. The full-time students should apply directly to the University.

The rights of pregnant women must be fully complied with.