Be sure to follow the rules, which are called by a pediatrician or nutritionist. Otherwise, improper diet and translations into more than grown food can bring more troubles than good.

What to look for when compiling a menu

Despite the fact that the child is significantly older, and he seems to be able to eat the whole ox, we should not forget that his digestive system is still immature. So don't get too excited and put in the little portion along with the Pope. The stomach cannot shrink properly when it is completely full, and push the food further down the digestive tract. This means that the child of overeating will start banal vomiting.
Even if you think that the child vomits opened from overeating, observe him carefully for some time. From overeating, this phenomenon will be single. If more often, call your doctor.

Of course, one-year-old child is already in almost full set of teeth. However, one should not entertain the illusion that he can now eat anything. Actually, the chewing teeth, which to a greater extent and ensure that the process of chewing, increase to around 1.5 years. So do not start feeding baby solid and heavy food immediately, as he was a year old.
Remember that natarajasana food when swallowed – this is a direct way to gastritis. Therefore it is necessary to grind food.

Accustomed to the transition to the adult table of the child should gradually. This is due to the fact that the children are well developed reflexes and can used to respond retching trying to feed him a crust of bread.

Of course, not recommended to immediately transfer the child with his usual unsalted food that contains salt, and spices, and can be canned. The stomach may simply not withstand that kind of abuse. To start, simply have a child sit with you at the same table, but with their dishes. He just gets used there all together.

The child's diet at 2-year life would be 5 meals a day. In this period he develops taste preferences, so you need to make his diet according to the needs.

What to feed

Optimal feeding option for the child is the traditional mode: a Breakfast cereal or an omelet, for lunch a salad, soup, main, dinner, side dish and any meat or fish.

To make a delicious porridge is not as difficult as it seems. Enough to add a bit of honey for sweetness or fructose (it is better and healthier sugar), fruit and berries and a small piece of creamy butter. From a yummy, kid will love it. For mom it would be peace, because the child will get a healthy dish that is also delicious.

Alternatively, it is possible to offer your child an omelet. There is nothing better than traditional cadikovska omelet. It is useful and tasty, and hearty.

For lunch a must-cook soups. But this does not mean that we should give to the child tasteless substance. It could be soup, soup and other options, which nourish and give strength and energy. To make the soup taste better will help a range of products and, of course, the broth. Of course, it should not be strong, and can be diluted.

Pasta is a great option which is suitable to create a soup and as a garnish for a main dish. Can cook them as you like – just cook and bake and add cheese, and pour sauce from tomatoes and herbs. All of this is a healthy and tasty food for your child.

It is not necessary to ignore normal cheese. Moreover, it is not necessary to eat it only raw. Cottage cheese can be cooked a huge number of different nutritious and healthy dishes – curd, cheese cakes, puddings, etc.

Meat is better to choose baby diet. It is better absorbed, less fat and essential nutrients. Yes, and it is cooked much faster.

In short, your imagination in the preparation of menu for a child after a year of no limits. Simply enough correctly to combine products to get a nutritious and delicious diet.