Determine the average daily earnings of the teacher, and then multiply it by the number of vacation days. When fully developed the billing period in the amount of 12 calendar months must share accrued during the period wages by the average monthly number of calendar days to calculate average daily earnings.
Usually the average number of days in the month take the number of 29.4. Depending on the kind of educational institution, name of the employee's position and other factors, the duration of the annual paid leave of teachers can range from 42 to 56 calendar days.
When calculating the average earnings note all payments provided for in national legislation in this field. You need to consider the salary awarded to teachers on salaries; the salary of teachers of institutions of secondary and elementary vocational education; the extra payment for teaching hours in excess of the annual teaching load; surcharges and extra charges to official salaries for long service, professional skills, academic degree or title, job sharing, classroom management, and provided prizes and awards. In addition, include in the average-earnings calculation the fee for the test of written works, the district factor and the management of educational institutions (workshops, laboratories).
Exclude from such calculation period accrued during the period of preservation of average earnings amount as an allowance for temporary incapacity or maternity benefits and maternity leave, leave without pay, additional holidays with pay etc. are Also not taken into account the premium charged to the teacher's Day and anniversaries, that is, those that do not relate to the educational process.