The rise in body temperature to quite high numbers – a necessary measure. And if this process not to interfere , the body generates the correct and the only correct strategy of combating this type virus. And if properly and soberly assess the situation, you will be able to achieve that in these times the body will experience this struggle at times simpler and easier.

What if it is wrong to bring the temperature down

There is a certain criterion by which you want to bring the temperature down. For example, a single recommendation is to be fever only in those cases where the indicators of the thermometer above 38.5 OS. There are of course some exceptions, when to drink special pills or syrups to reduce the temperature needed before. The list includes:

- patient has febrile convulsions;
heavy tolerance even small temperature;
- early age (if we are talking about sick kids).

In all other cases it is better to wait. After all, if the time to intervene in the process, you will affect the production of its own interferon. This means that the body simply will not cope with the disease, which will lead to a protracted course of infection, complications, etc.
Knocking is not a particularly high temperature, you shut down your own immune system, which begins to be lazy. In addition, the medication is sufficient have a negative impact on the state of different organs – liver, kidneys, etc.

For adults it is recommended to try generally the temperature does not knock down. If absolutely unbearable, it is select instead of antipyretic drugs diaphoretic herbal infusions or to drink tea with raspberries and honey.

How to bring down the temperature

If you do decide to bring the temperature down, it is worth remembering that it should be done properly. For starters, take a febrifuge – each on its efficiency it. For example, someone helps an antipyretic based on ibuprofen, others only suitable for paracetamol, analgin third, etc.
It is worth considering that modern doctors do not recommended as an antipyretic to apply the previously popular aspirin. This leads to the development of Reye's syndrome is a very serious and severe disease of the liver.

Also, reducing the temperature, it should be remembered that the higher the numbers on the thermometer, the less clothing the patient should remain. Excessive wrapping leads to more overheating, which is very negative impact on the patient's condition. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the person feels cold.

It is desirable to achieve the ideal settings in the room where the patient is located. Is the humidity about 70%, the air fresh and the temperature is over 23°, better less.

Naturally, we cannot treat high temperature alcohol. Different liqueurs, vodka, etc. only lead to the expansion of blood vessels, which can cause problems with pressure, but not to reduce the indicators of the thermometer. Also, you should avoid any overheating, like sauna etc.

Quite often recommended to apply the method of wiping in order to bring down a high temperature. However, many doctors believe this method is quite controversial and not recommend it for children. This is due to the fact that if you spend rubbing with vinegar or vodka, you run the risk of poisoning, because alcohol through the skin into the blood and cause serious problems. In the case that wiping uses a simple cold water, it can lead to spasm of blood vessels, but also will not affect the General condition of the patient.

If you do decide to use wipes, remember to put a solution or water on the inner elbow, armpits, groin and under the knees. As for the face, forehead and back, you can not even spend the effort, because use of such wiping will not.

And, of course, it is recommended to drink a lot. It is best if the drink you'll use your regular drinking water, infusion of raisins, compote or juice. To unsubscribe from is soft drinks, strong tea and coffee and other harmful beverages.