You will need
  • - pork steaks;
  • - mustard;
  • Sol.
To prepare this dish, select fresh or chilled pork steaks, thickness not exceeding 2 cm Then they will be able to quickly fry in a frying pan and at the same time remain juicy.
Wash the meat under running water and dry thoroughly with a cloth or fabric towels. Then thoroughly coat it on all sides with mustard. It is desirable to cover the steaks are thick, then they are well zamarinuetsya.
Fold the steaks in a deep plate, cover and put in the refrigerator. They should marinate at least 2 hours, ideally 3-4 hours. Half an hour before cooking, remove them to reach room temperature, and then the steaks will not shrivel in the pan.
Using a dry cloth, remove the steaks from the whole mustard and a little add salt to them. Then place them on a hot frying pan, cover and cook on high heat for 3-4 minutes on each side.. Thanks to the marinade of mustard this time is enough to cook a well-done and at the same time, juicy steak.
Ready steaks served to the table still hot. The best side dish will be a salad or grilled vegetables.