With a small amount of the first gray hair on the head should not resort to the drastic change in the General tone of the hair, for their full repaint in other darker shades. Try applying the highlights. It well masks the first gray hair, does not spoil the hair structure. In addition, this method of hair coloring visually rejuvenates a woman.
If you have never used chemical colorants for hair, did not resort to chemicals, use natural dyes such as henna and Basma, which are well paint over the gray. Expect to receive the final color of hair as a result of mixing these dyes. To know in what amounts of materials needed to mix and how to prepare paint for application on hair you can from the instructions on the package.
When the hair is affected hair half or fully, will have to resort to drastic measures staining. For this you need to correctly select appropriate paint. It needs to contain ammonia and a high percentage of oxidizer (9%). This paint will help create a smooth and rich tone of the hair. If you bought paint that contains no ammonia, keep in mind that it will stain the hair temporarily, but quickly washed away, especially with hair, untouched by gray.
Fair-haired women with gray hair you should paint them in gray tones, silver, Rus. Growing grey roots in this case will not be noticeable. In turn, all of the bright colors bad coloring gray hair. Because if you don't have anything against dark shades for hair – use a paint of this type. Try chocolate tones, dark brown, coffee, dark brown, black.
For dyeing hair containing gray hair, prefer to professional types of paint. Usually for packing paints for professional painting attached special conditioners, balms or oils that help to consolidate the color, restore hair structure after dyeing. On the packaging the manufacturer should be stated that this tool is one hundred percent grey coverage.