You will need
  • - furatsilin in powder or tablet form;
  • - warm, boiled water (0.5-1l);
  • - a syringe or a special pot for nasal lavage.
To prepare the solution ready use furacilin powder or grind into a powder ½ tablets. Pay attention to consistency, since large particles for a long time to dissolve in the water. Add furatsilin 1 liter of boiled, warm (37-38оС) of water and thoroughly mix to form a moderately yellow color. The obtained solution , fill the syringe or a teapot for nasal lavage and start the procedure.
Lean over the bath and turn head to one side, so that during flushing, she leaned harder, as through the Eustachian tubes fluid can get into the middle ear and extension of the inflammatory process.
Carefully enter all the contents of the tank alternately in both nostrils. Use 0.5 l of solution each. With proper nasal lavage solution furatsilina should flow into one nostril and expelled from the other. However, in contact with the solution in the mouth spit out, as it is for external use only.
After washing the nose with furatsilina don't go right to bed, especially on the side. And in the case of the need to comply with bed rest, give your head elevated position. These measures are necessary again, to prevent residues of fluid in the middle ear.
Rinse the nose 3-5 times a day for at least 5-7 days. Each time use a new solution. Combine the washing of the nose with furatsilina with other drugs that help to relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. These tools include inhalation and drops.