Charity concert collects funds in someone else's help. Decide to whom you want to help organizing the event. Please contact one of the organizations involved in charity work in your city. As a rule, they are interested in any assistance. Together define the theme of the concert and the purpose for which will organize the event. For example, Fund-raising for the treatment of a sick child or support an orphanage.
Find a room for the concert. Contact houses of culture, clubs and cafes. Some of them are interested not so much in order to obtain benefits, but because of personal compassion and desire to help. If you are having trouble finding a place for the concert, contact the Committee for youth Affairs or any other organization, able to assist in resolving the issue.
Agree with those who wish to perform at a charity concert. In advance, make a rough plan of what you want to see during a performance. This will help to avoid messy activities. For performance attract musical groups, drama workshops, poets, and Amateur groups. Check out their work, to not work incidents during the event.
Be engaged in information support of the concert. Send out letters with the announcement in the local Newspapers and TV channels. If you have friends, the journalists, ask them to assist whenever possible. Try to get a response, as subjects in the mass media to disseminate information. The same applies to advertising – distribute posters, use the Internet.
Try to find sponsorship. It can take the assistance of the organization of the concert, the coating of some material costs (e.g. rent of premises and equipment), the allocation of funds.