You will need
  • computer;
  • - installed software to operate the camera Canon.
Install from the disk supplied with the camera, special software to transfer photos Zoom Browser. If no disk, download it on the link Run the program.
In the submenu "Tasks" select the option "Connect your camera", click "Import images from camera". Next, select an option, you can select all photos or only some.
Select the photos you want to copy, hold down the Ctrl key, hit "Import". Next window will appear with the imported image, right-click on mouse and select "copy to folder".
Copy photos from Canon camera on Windows, if there is no possibility to install any special software. To do this, turn on your camera, connect it via the cord to the computer.
Wait until the computer detects and installs the new device. Next, a window will appear with the choice of the action for the camera. Select Wizard the scanner and camera", click "OK". Wait until the program will read the photos. In the next window of the wizard, click "Next".
Select those photos you want to copy from the camera Canon to do this, set next to their icons check box. If necessary, rotate the image, you can also view the properties of the selected photo. Click "Next".
In the next window, enter the name that will be used for photos, for example, the default is "Image". You can set any name for the photo files.
Next, select the folder in which you want to transfer photos from Canon cameras. To do this, click the browse button and select the desired folder, click OK.
Check the box next to "Delete pictures from camera after copying". Click "Next". Wait until copy pictures to a computer, in the opened window click "finish". Transfer photos to computer completed.
Use a card reader if it is not possible to copy photos from the camera with a cord. Pull out the memory card from the camera, insert it into a card reader or laptop computer, wait until the system will detect the memory card. Open Windows Explorer and copy photos from the card as from any other folder.