Treatment of patients with synovitis should be a complex method. Along with the treatment of this disease should be eliminate the symptoms of synovitis: pain and impaired function. In this case, the possible operative and conservative treatment methods.
In the case of surgery, the operation is regarded as the main treatment stage. Then are medication and rehabilitation therapy.
A necessary step of treatment is to puncture the joint. It is conducted primarily at the diagnosis of the disease, it is done without anesthesia in a minor operating room, as it is a virtually painless procedure. In this case a thin needle to pierce the joint and then aspirated synovial fluid. After that, she sent for examination to the laboratory.
It is necessary to restrict the mobility of the knee joint in order to provide full peace and stability. This process is called immobilization of the joint and involves wearing a special pressure bandage or a special patellar. In the case of acute infectious synovitis with severe joint requires rigid immobilization - applying splints or a plaster Longuet. The period of immobilization of the joint, as a rule, does not exceed 5-7 days.
Without application of medicamental treatment of this inflammatory process runs the risk of delayed and complicated by suppuration of the joint, as well as its destruction, or sepsis. In turn, in the therapy of synovitis the following groups of drugs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, regulators of the microcirculation, corticosteroids and antibiotics.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to suppress the inflammatory process and reduce pain. Take them orally or applied topically in the form of different gels and ointments.