The questions on the program, viewers can send in two ways – by mail and over the Internet. Your question may be both written and in video format. You can also ask the players directly during the broadcast of the game - "13-th sector .
If you intend to send your question by mail, the letter clearly formulate its essence. Also provide details on the source of information you used, author, title, year of publication, publisher and page number. Don't forget to specify your data: surname, name, patronymic name, your address and phone number. In addition, in an envelope, attach a photo and write a little about yourself – include your age, what education do you have, where you work, tell about their Hobbies. The letter must be sent to the address: 127427, Moscow, street of the Academician the Queen, 12, the program - "What? Where? When? .
If you have the opportunity, you can send your question by e-mail at: It is also necessary to articulate the question and the answer, to indicate the source of information and their data. In the letter tell a little about yourself.
If you decide to send the game video issue, remember that it should not sound for more than one minute. Also the recording quality should be high, without extraneous noise. Video formats accepted in DVD, VHS, MINI DV. In a letter of application fully transcribe the text of the post, enter all your data.
Another way to play with experts in this game – it - "13-th sector . In this sector, the questions that viewers send over the Internet directly during a broadcast. The computer randomly selects one of the questions, and that it should be answered by the experts. Send your question at: Formulate your question so that it was clear and short, because there is a limit of questions number of printed characters. And it is very possible that you will become the proud owner of a certain amount in loss experts.