Look closely at the man more closely. Maybe he's not once tried to make my feelings known, but you're not taking it seriously. If once you refused the invitation to the cafe, he forgot to call back or prefer to spend a weekend with a friend, he could simply leave all attempts to get your attention. But this does not mean that you do not need him.
An important sign of his great interest – a genuine attention to everything that happens to you. It is important not only how you look, but what you think and how you feel. He might not notice that you have a new purse, but it genuinely attended to your cold or just in a bad mood.
It is important with whom you spend your time, and he is nervous when he finds out among your friends a lot of single men. Sometimes these emotions manifest themselves implicitly, but they are quite obvious. Alas, if a man does not show the slightest sign of jealousy, we can hardly expect him to decisive steps towards rapprochement with you.
He does flowers, no invites to a journey, not introduces to his friends? Do not jump to conclusions. And didn't he offer you help in the country, did not ride late in the evening to the house, not cover you before the authorities finally? Not all men romance. Sometimes sympathy is the willingness to help. To start with the housework.
Remember, if you're a road man, he will never allow himself to hurt you. By word or deed. If in a relationship you don't feel loved, know that they are tired to play the first violin, think about whether this man your attention.
Women often try to justify male coldness to the fact that the stronger sex is not the manifestation of feelings. This is true, but the real interest is impossible, and there is no need to hide. You will definitely find out about it. Wait a while and let the man make the first move, and soon you will understandwhether you should go through life together.