Cut split ends. This is the first thing you should do. Forked hair stops growing as a split end grows no more than 2 cm, and then breaks off. Split ends can never be recovered so they need to be cut.
Use medicated shampoos to prevent delamination of the hair. Care tips suitable shampoos with lecithin, natural herbal extracts, vitamin B5. To protect dry hair from damages during styling and brushing, lubricate the ends with special protective creams. They not only protect the ends from dryness, but also to prevent delamination.
Buy a good comb for the hair. It should be of natural materials like horn, stone or wood), to the daily brushing does not harm the hair structure. Gently brush your hair starting from the tips.
Do once a week hair mask that minimizes the appearance of split ends. One of the most effective masks, fighting section and many other problems of hair - oil. Oil perfectly moisturizes the ends, filling in the missing moisture in the hair structure.
Warm cosmetic oil (burdock, almond, grapeseed, castor, peach) and RUB it on the ends and leave under a warm hood for an hour, then wash hair as usual. Oil mask should be done once a week.
Rinse the hair after shampooing with beer or water, acidulated with lemon juice. These funds strengthens weak ends if you use them regularly for months or more.
When the problem of split ends to help mask the sour milk. A warm yogurt massage into roots and distribute on all of the hair, carefully oiling the ends. Mask cover with a towel and keep for half an hour, after which yogurt massage into hair a second time and leave for 5 minutes. Then head to rinse in the usual way.
Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp brandy, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp colorless henna, 1 tsp of honey. The finished mask massage into the tips of the roots and distribute throughout hair. Keep the mask one hour, after which rinse your hair. With regular use, this mask against split ends the result will be noticeable after a month - ends will become more strong and healthy.
Safeguard your hair from the scorching sun and cold wind. In summer and in winter, wear hats, this will protect the hair from damage and delamination.
Take vitamins for the beauty of hair, skin and nails. They contain all the essential nutrients for hair. To prevent split ends, it is useful to take fish oil, it restores the natural moisture from the hair inside.
Eat right, give up bad habits, enough rest and lead an active lifestyle. It will save many problems with the hair. Hair is largely an indicator of the state of health in General.