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How to fill out postal order
Filling Blanca post translation requires care and accuracy. You need to correctly enter passport data and clearly indicate the address of the recipient/sender. For legal entities there is additional writing in the form of Bank details.
You will need
- mail order form form 112эф, the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, Bank details and VAT number of the legal entity.
For the sender: to make the form post the translation of surname, name, patronymic or the name of the enterprise/organization.
To enter complete and accurate address of the sender/location of the organization and postal code.
For the recipient: fill in the blank post transfer full passport details stating the number, series, issuing authority and date of issue.
To specify the address of residence or location of organization.
To fill the mail order form should be legible, in order to avoid misunderstandings when it is delivered. Permitted the entry of information in block letters. Corrections to the form are not allowed.
The address includes the name of the Republic, territory, region; name of the district and the village; street, number of houses and apartments. In some cases it is supplemented with a po box or writing "on demand".
Incorrect spelling of the index may result in a delay of correspondence in the way.
Useful advice
The sender fills in a fragment of the front side form mail order, outlined with a bold line. The recipient enters their data in the area of the reverse side of this form, also in bold below.
All the information is filled in by the sender and the recipient in Russian or state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation with the subsequent duplication in Russian. International transfers must be in Roman or Arabic letters.
If the sender or the recipient is a legal entity, it is necessary to designate the Bank account: settlement account, name of Bank structure, its correspondent account and BIC, as well as INN of the legal person. In addition, the registration address and actual location of the organization.