Before you begin to compose a letter for the sponsor, it is necessary to carry out the necessary calculations. No self-respecting businessman will not spend time reading a vague emails with vague wording. You should clearly explain to the potential sponsorthat you want it to do, to what extent, in what form and in what time frame. Also a prerequisite for successful negotiations is the availability of accurate calculations. In your letter you have to submit all their calculations on "how, where and in what quantities will be to spend the allocated money". In addition, your chances of success will greatly increase the fact, if you calculate the benefit to the person giving you the money, from participation in your project. But the description of all your Grand plans "to spread the idea of the tree is not worth it. Businessmen, as a rule, the day is too busy and painted. Therefore, to study 10 pages of your thoughts, no one will. You need to write concisely but fully, especially highlighting those places that a potential donor might be interested. Of course, in your letter there should be no errors.
Templates for writing such letters only three. And they are mostly involved in structuring the text. In the beginning it is necessary to mention about the program of the planned activities, then you need to describe all promotional and informational opportunities that you, as the organizer, have. And also need to paint the main objectives of the project, especially paying attention to the potential sponsor, on the possibility of attracting new customers in the area of work of the patron.
In the process of preparing to write a sponsorship letter is necessary to find out the whole list of interests of the potential sponsor. Maybe your event is nothing I can give him in terms of business, but fits in well with his Hobbies and Hobbies. Moreover, collecting such information will help you not to be trapped, when suddenly the businessman asks you: "what do I have?". That way, you will feel much more confident. By the way, if you are not confident in their abilities in the drafting of sponsorship letters for you and would love to do it more. Firms that spetsializiruyutsya on the drafting of such letters, asking for their services from 2500 to 3000 rubles.