You will need
  • Internet access, registration in the social network "In contact"
Options of search songs by excerpt may be several. First, you can use large search engines. Simply type in the search bar passage that you know. If the song is quite well known, with high probability, the search engine will give you results with performer and song title, as well as the rest of her words.
To restore the song through the passage with the help of the popular social network "In contact". For this you need to use search for recordings by repeatedly pressing the button "Search" and "Audio". Next, you need to put a tick in the box "only text". On the entered text will display songs that contain this passage.
In addition to a simple search through search engines, you can use sites that looks for music fragments:,,
If the above methods did not help, it makes sense to seek help to people. It is easiest to do it through specialist music forums. They are topics where users help each other find songs by well-known passages. For example, if the song you are interested in, from the era of the 80s, you can contact the forum for "Autoradio". In the sub-forum there are many topics asking for help in finding songs for passage.