Need daily soft massage. Despite the fact that the leg is not used, the best way to maintain mobility and function of the foot is to constantly remind her of its existence. Gentle movements lead in the area of the fracture and the entire inactive area of the feet, you see cells, so they "didn't sleep", the easier they will then Wake up.
Take a daily multivitamin. It is no secret that vitamins help the body to work properly and in full force. In moments of weakness of the body (for example, when the fracture of the leg) he especially could use the help in Supplement form.
Perebintovany leg with an elastic bandage every day and spend time healing walking. With the aid of crutches to move around the house, gradually increasing the load on the leg. Do it very carefully! You may not feel any pain until the very moment of re-fracture or you can just move the bone, causing incorrect splicing. After you will be able to stand fully on the foot, can go to walk with a cane.
Don't forget to get checked out by your doctor and repeat x-rays to trace the dynamics of splicing bones. At the time of walk with a cane and even on the first time without it, it is advisable to purchase a special plastic, silicone or fabric locking Shoe that allows the foot to move. This will speed up and secure the healing process.