If your wife is characterized by such a trait as amorousness, it is possible to arrange a situation where check this as his wife. Take her to eat at a joint meeting of his friends, whom she hasn't seen, and which — in its taste. Watch her behavior. If she looks confident, modest, supports the conversation if necessary, and appeals most often to you, then she's not interested in other men, except you. In the case when she forgets who came and uninhibited behaves like a single girl, then after dinner to discuss her behavior.
Make her a couple at work corporate. Right here you can see who office romance. If your wife does not leave you indifferent when evaluating their colleagues, therefore, you have nothing to worry about.
Watch her talk. Wife, often praising a certain man, can serve two purposes. First — she wants to draw attention on yourself, and to get a little jealous, and second — she really admires the behavior of men, not only in conversation with you, but also with other interlocutors. Rate the object of her attention, find out what she is most attracted to him (for example, it is a weekend entirely devoted to children), and transfer his best qualities to yourself. If that doesn't work, then talk with her alone unpleasant topic for you.
Talk to her heart to heart. Remember the time when you have had the honeymoon period in a relationship, as burned her eyes at Dating. Perhaps, on change of passion now it's a conscious feeling of love that she shows you with his loving embrace and affectionate, family kiss.