Garazhno-stroitelnyjj KOOPERATIV (GSK) is a legal organization whose goal is the construction of the garage complex on the contributions of the citizens - members of the cooperative. A separate law, which would regulate activities of GSK, there is not, however, apply to it some articles of the Civil code (e.g. article 116) and the law, adopted back in Soviet times, "On cooperation in the USSR", №8998-XI of 26.05.1988)

Source of investment in the construction of the garage complex are the contributions of shareholders. The members of the cooperative may not be less than three. Decisions on the activities of the organization passed at the General meeting, each shareholder has equal rights to each decision. How can you not remember the famous movie by Eldar Ryazanov, "Garage", looking which can understand what your garage cooperative.

After the completion of construction and commencement of operation of garages, garage complex will be in common ownership, but the car it will belong only to those members of GSK, which were fully paid equity contributions. Garage cooperative must pay tax on the property, which is on its balance sheet until, until all of the garages do not become the property of the co-op, then the tax will pay the owners.

Garazhno-stroitelnyjj KOOPERATIV has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, for example, rent free garages, the provision of services on repair of vehicles. Income from these activities is distributed among the shareholders of GSK (paragraph 5 of article 116 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation).

After the construction of garages and full inclusion of all members of the cooperative shares, a garage cooperative must be converted to a consumer cooperative for joint operation of public facilities or eliminated.