Talk to your doctor about when and in which mode you will be able to start training. If you still can't move any part of the body, try to stretch your other muscles, do minimal exercise, even in the supine position. This will help you to keep yourself in good shape.
Sign up for physical therapy sessions. Classes to really become useful, they should lead a specialist in rehabilitation medicine. If you have had very serious injuries, you should obtain from a doctor an individual program of rehabilitation. Be prepared for the fact that a full recovery will take a long time. For example, people with spinal cord injuries that have not led to a complete paralysis should do for an hour a day almost daily for five to seven months for complete recovery of motor activity. When milder injuries, recovery may be faster.
Check with your teacher whether you will be able to engage in further water. This will speed up your return to a healthy state. For children you might require the simplest of sports equipment, for example, dumbbells and other. You can buy them in sports stores.
Organize for yourself a massage therapies. If you wish specialist to additional money can come to your home. Massage will help you relax the muscles after a workout and to avoid them flowing.
Eat right. For recovery and building muscle useful protein - moderate fat meat, poultry, fish, especially marine, seafood. Be careful with the eggs - they contain a lot of cholesterol. If you love them so much, eat no more than one yolk in a day or two, but proteins can be consumed almost without limit.