Be prepared to answer the boor at any moment. To do this, you can come up with some standard phrases which could make the kicker feel not very comfortable, because you will attract an unhealthy interest in his person. For example, you can say: "the Fact that you live a difficult life visible to the naked eye, but why you take your anger out on me?" or "it is Noticeable that you don't like women, but to me you just need help.
Doin ' the screamer can be, showing to him the ostentatious participation of: "are You yelling because you have a hearing problem?" or "When you cry, your eyes become red, you have to take care of yourself, and that will toil". Your companion becomes clear that he is joking and kidding, that by his cry he's not scared and just look stupid.
If you came to work with a new hairstyle or a handbag and you know what that can lead to undue criticism of one of your colleagues, just tell her in response: "I knew you'd like it, you just can't hide jealousy, need to learn this".
Harder if rudeness, allows himself the head. Behave decently. You can say: "Sorry, I'll leave you to it. Call me when we can continue the conversation and we analyze I was wrong and where he made a mistake."
Never go to higher tones and don't start talking to ham in his language. Often, it is just waiting for this – because the language he is close and clear, in such circumstances of the conversation, he feels like a fish in the water and just waiting from you such a reaction. The tone of the conversation takes the conversation to the level of market abuse, and that you do not paint.