Review of the worker when carrying out regular or special certification qualifying tests.

In this case, the opinion should contain comprehensive information about how the worker coped with their duties during the appraisal period. The required attributes of such a document:

• The full name and job title of the employee;

• full company name;

• list the main issues in which employee participated;

• assessment of the effectiveness of its work;

• recommendations.

Review (example) preparing the immediate supervisor, signed by the head (Director) of the company. With this opinion the employee must be aware of prior to the certification or testing.
Another variation – review of the implementation of specific tasks. For example, probation before appointment to a higher position, about the training of young professionals. This opinion is issued and signed by the immediate supervisor of the internship. In addition to basic data about the employee, it must be specified:

• the internship period, the place of its passage, the purpose;

• issues reviewed by the employee during the internship;

• evaluation of quality of mastering of the studied material and practical exercises;

• the recommendation of the head of internship.
Finally, opinion Advisory letter issued usually at the request of the employee. It is written in a free style, is used in the search for additional or another permanent job. Here does not require information such as education (there is a document about education), marital status (the data in his autobiography). Emphasis is placed on the list of issues that were decided by the worker in the organization; the quality and quickness of their execution; on the relationship in the team.

Letter of recommendation simplifies the procedure of employment. The potential employer does not have to spend time looking for additional information about the person. On the other hand, a positive recommendation will greatly help the applicant, as I will characterize it as a serious business person.