You will need
  • - pork fat.
The first way is known to almost everyone. You need to touch the forehead of the sick with the lip or eyelid. If there is fever, the second person is very quickly noticed. I could touch her hand, but since her skin is more rough, and understand the difference will be much harder.
If you are alone, put a palm the boat, bring it to your mouth and exhale it in the air. At elevated temperatures you will feel the wings of the nose heat.
Check your pulse. When the temperature of a body one degree, the pulse increases about 10 beats per minute. Ie if your heart rate is 30 beats more than usual, your temperature about forty degrees. But this method is only suitable for those who know your "working" heart rate. And, of course, before measurement it is not necessary to perform physical actions, drink tea, coffee or Smoking.
When the temperature is raised or lowered, the body responds to these changes. At lower temperatures you will experience drowsiness and weakness. You will cool the body, especially the forehead and the chest?. You will feel lethargy and extremities may be felt tingling.
Of course, the symptoms will be different, if you have body temperature increased. Look to the right, left, up and down. If you find it hard to do it, hurt your eyes, and the eyelids are closed, it is the first symptom of a fever. Now close your eyes. You may feel a slight burning sensation under the eyelids.
With increasing temperature a person experiences aching in the joints, thirst, chills. Look in the mirror, if you have flushed cheeks and eyes feverishly look, you have the temperature is raised.
Measure the frequency of breaths. In the adult, their number should be 15-20 per minute, and the child is 20-30. If the number of more breaths, body temperature above normal.