You will need
  • - Microsoft Power Point;
  • - the Internet.
Go to Power Point

On the slide, right-click on mouse and select "Background". Select one of the provided colors, or go to the "Other colors", where you can use normal colors in the tab "Normal" and their shades in the tab "Spectrum". You can also do some background shading by clicking on the "fill effects" under the line "Other colors".
Try gradient fill

In the tab "Gradient" select the desired color (1 or 2). Billet is better not to use in presentations for educational institutions, because they are bright and they are poorly visible text. Make a selection on the type of hatch and gradient variant, a sample slide is provided at the bottom right. Click "OK – to Apply to all / Apply / Preview / Cancel".
Apply to the slide texture

In the tab "Texture" take one of the available background patterns. If none of them doesn't fit you, find a proper background for presentation in the Internet, save on your computer and select it by clicking on "Other texture". Apply the texture to one or all slides.
Look at the 3rd way of the fill – pattern

In the "fill effects" are patterns that you can choose the background color and hatch. If you like patterned background, select it for your presentation.
Insert your picture

To make the picture a background presentation on the last tab in the "fill effects" click on "picture" and select the saved computer images. To change the size of the image is not necessary, because it will fall exactly in the parameters of the slide. To preserve the aspect ratio of the picture, put a label next to the corresponding string at the bottom.
Create your own background

In the Power Point slides on a single slide make background, can write some text with any color. Save the slide: "File – Save as", type the name of the file, below it, select the format (jpg or gif) and click Save. Now you can insert this slide, you can make the background in the other presentations, selecting it as a picture.