You will need
- - decoction of chamomile;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- - solution furatsilina;
- - intense pink solution of potassium permanganate;
- - saline solution;
- -Miramistin;
- - hlorgeksidin;
- - izotoniceski solution of sodium chloride;
- water;
- - a pair of scissors.
Gradually begin to unwind the bandage without touching the affected area. Loosen the bandage until, until will not reach the stuck area, then with scissors cut carefully unwound the piece.
Soak dried place the disinfectant liquid. This may be a decoction of chamomile, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution (1 tablet in a glass of boiled water), medium (intense pink) solution of potassium permanganate, a salt solution (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water), Miramistin, hlorgeksidin, izotoniceski solution of sodium chloride or, in extreme cases, distilled water. You can also soak a bandage with oil for baby skin care.
If you take the blindfold off the child, take care that the liquid was warm enough – 30⁰-40⁰С. Good wet dressing, and if we are talking about the leg or arm – you can even omit the affected limb in the liquid.
Wait a few minutes. During this time the bandage will soak and will disappear by itself. If it is stuck to the hair on your arm, leg or chest, pull it gently in the course of hair growth.
The label covering the wound, take along the wound, from one end to the other (if you remove it across the wound is open). Gradually peel off the sticker, holding the skin with forceps, spatula or gauze ball, don't let her reach for the blindfold. If the bandage is saturated from the inside with a solution, gradually moisten her gauze ball, dipping it in hydrogen peroxide or an isotonic solution of sodium chloride.
Clean the wound with cotton or gauze ball, first dry and then soaked in a technical broadcast, starting from the edges of the wound and the periphery. In addition to the ether for cleaning you can use warm soapy water, soap alcohol, ammonia solution (0.5 per cent). Note, drops of the liquid should not get into the wound.
If the pain after the dressing changes have increased, there bleeding, contact the hospital.