In some cases, the users interfere with standard text editing Microsoft Word. Not to be distracted by amendments electronic editor, you can use the document without this feature, e.g. Notepad or WordPad. If you prefer to work in Word, disable AutoFormat, i.e. editing a document configured by default in this program.
Open a text document in Microsoft Word. In the task pane, scroll to "Format", click on it with the left mouse button. In the opened contextual menu, select the "AutoFormat". In the settings the formatting of the document click on the "read More". Here you can save individual settings for the built-in text editor.
Please note that the peer review has several tabs. Activate the tab "AutoCorrect". The functions that can be activated or deactivated in this section. Remove the checkmark in the desired rows to prohibit this type of text correction. If you need to return some of the features, just check the box back. In the tab "AutoCorrect" can be adjusted such actions Microsoft Word like spell check, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, fix the keyboard layout and replace the specified words.
In the next tab, "AutoFormat as you type" set up styles of writing of the text – fonts, header format, type of writing fractional numbers and notekstowa characters.
Section Auto text allows you to create some word templates that include formulas of politeness, some kantselyarizmami and other frequently used expressions. You can add your phrases and delete existing ones. The use of this function will significantly reduce your time when writing the document.
Count "AutoFormat" governs the writing of headlines and some waterstove characters, creating text styles, creating automatic replacement of characters – for example, the "--" is automatically changed to the sign "dash". The last function of the AutoFormat settings simplifies the creation of smart tags.
After you set the settings edit Microsoft Word, press "Apply" and "OK". Now these settings will be applied to all documents of this type until you change the options, "AutoFormat".